Our Services

J. Oliver Maxwell core values are grounded in the integrity of each portfolio consistently building equity, knowledge of sound company fundamentals, news, market insight to empower each individual client with risk management and emotional control to grow assets long term.

We collaborate with experts from a variety of industries to formulate strategies tailored to mitigate risk and mentor long term financial growth.
Risk Management

We manage investment relationships for the long term providing counsel, guidance and insight for stability of wealth in line with each client's goals and objectives.
Potfolio Growth

Much of our time is spent empowering investors to be knowledgeable participants in the growth of their individual investment account.
Janet Grace Beers Attard, MBA
J. Oliver Maxwell, LLC / CRD 155656

J Oliver Maxwell, LLC core principles are Results, Client Empowerment, Research, Tenacity, Focus, Innovation, Self Control, Loyalty, and Detail Orientation seen in Performance.

Jan's mission is to create a financial legacy for each investor to span generations. Investment seminars, farm dinners and one on one private sessions are conducted with a passion to teach and empower each investor. Jan is committed to upholding individual goals and expectations. We construct a "financial roadmap" in which the client becomes the most important player for accumulation, diversification, distribution and charitable giving. It does not take a genius to build wealth however it does require patience and discipline.
J. Oliver Maxwell, LLC core principles are Results, Client Empowerment, Research, Tenacity, Focus, Innovation, Self Control, Loyalty, and Detail Orientation seen in Performance.

Get in touch...

J. Oliver Maxwell, LLC
355 Live Oak Drive, Danville,
Ca 94506 Tel: 925-876-1377
Email: jolivermaxwell@gmail.com